Dotted line. Curve line, element

July 21, 2024

Weekly Newsletter

Close-Up Shot of Flowers Bouquet
fire roasted murshmallows
Looped Dashed Line
Looped Rising Dotted Line




Upcoming Dates/Events

Sea kayaking

Family Promise Meals: July 21st-27th

Moving on Up Sunday: August 11th

Labor Day: September 2nd

Baptisms: September 15th

Church Picnic: September 15th

First Landing PAD: September 26th

Dotted line. Curve line, element
Dotted line. Curve line, element

Family Promise Meals

Sun. July 21st - Sat. July 27th

July 21st through 27th Hillside will be hosting Family ​Promise, formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network ​(IHN). Interested in signing up to provide a meal or ​getting more information? Please contact Sandy ​Allport (click on Sandy’s name to email her or give ​her a call at 937-426-6834). Still need volunteers ​for Monday through Friday. For more information ​about Family Promise, click here.

Meal Prep Flat Lay
Looped Rising Dotted Line
Kids Reading

Moving Up Sunday

August 11th

All children will be moving to the classroom ​corresponding to their 2024-2025 grade ​level.

Kindergarteners will now be in the worship ​center during the beginning of service and ​will walk over with the other students in ​grades 1st-5th to the Life Center.

Please make sure to have your child ​checked in before the start of service.

School backpack full with supplies
Dotted line. Curve line, element
Dotted line. Curve line, element
Water splash
Looped Rising Dotted Line
Hands and water


September 15th

Our next Baptism service will take place at ​the Ewig Farm at the Church Picnic, Sunday, ​September 15th.

If you are interested in learning about ​baptism or have questions, please reach out ​to Pastor Art, Pastor Tyler, or Pastor Gio.

“The Landing PAD”

Planned Assistance Days

Hillside recently had a successful workday. Several much-needed projects were ​accomplished and for that, we are thankful. Maintenance is not a once-a-year task ​where several needed projects are completed. Hillside needs your help on a recurring ​basis. This Trustees, along with the Facility Manager, Paul Cole, have a very ​comprehensive list of tasks and larger projects that need to be addressed in the near, ​mid, and far term. So how can our congregation help? We are proposing the ​establishment of “The Landing Pad” as a means of communicating needs that can be ​accomplished by individuals of the congregation on a volunteer basis.

The planned assistance days will hopefully serve multiple purposes. It will provide the ​extra sets of hands required to get a project off the ground with the Facility Manager ​taking it on to the finish line. Conversely, other projects could be started by the Facility ​Manager and handed off to volunteers to complete. Many hands are needed to keep ​our facilities well maintained.

We think there are many people in our church body who are willing and able to jump ​in and help. The PAD is a means to communicate opportunities for individuals to ​come in and serve at their discretion, on their own time, when they have time. This is ​not a long-term commitment. Of course, we can always use folks that are able to ​serve more frequently or for a set term. We certainly have a need for more trustees. ​Getting help from Landing PAD volunteers will hopefully enable the Trustees and ​Facility Manager to tackle bigger projects in-house versus getting outside sources.

This is how it will work. We will post a list of projects here in the Hillside newsletter ​suitable for PAD volunteers to undertake. We are currently exploring the feasibility of ​setting the fourth Thursday of each month as PAD Day. This specific day is not set in ​stone as volunteers can let the Facility Manager know they are willing come in ​anytime they are able to help.

Check out the projects listed below and ask yourself if you could accomplish ​something on the list. Sometimes there is a need for a specific skillset for a project or ​task, but most jobs just need someone to step up and be willing to get in and get it ​done.


-Refinishing the vinyl tile floors in kitchens, hallway, and 2 restrooms

-Install vinyl baseboards in Life Center hallway

-Trim hedges along parking lots and buildings

-Painting projects in restrooms, other rooms as needed

first one

september 26

Hexagone chain minimal geometric shape
Hexagone chain minimal geometric shape
Hexagone chain minimal geometric shape