America’s Biblical Principles of Freedom: October 17th

Ownership Class: October 20th, 27th, & November 3rd

Operation Christmas Boxes Available: October 27th

Daylight Savings Ends: November 3rd

Operation Christmas Boxes Due: November 17th

Youth Packing Party: November 17th

Annual Hillside Thanksgiving Dinner: November 21

Church Decorating: November 24th

OWLS La Comedia Dinner Theater: December 12th

Ownership Class

Classes: October 20th, October 27th, November 3rd

At Hillside, we are committed to Knowing God personally, ​Listening to Him closely, and Following Him boldly. The ​Ownership Class will teach you the core truths and values ​that we live by as a church family, show you how God has ​faithfully guided us through the years, and invite you to ​own the values yourself and join us in moving God’s ​kingdom forward in our community.

Class will take place in M-16 (the last classroom on the ​right by Mission’s hall and next to the Commons) at 9am.

Please RSVP to SLusk@hillsidecma.org.

OWLS event

America’s Biblical Principles of Freedom

Hillside Commons

Lunch: 11:00AM

Presentation: 12:00PM

Join us as Lisa Snaufer, a graduate of both the Institute on the Constitution ​and Summit Ministries, presents on Biblical freedom principles presented ​in the Declaration of Independence. Lisa is a popular speaker and has been ​a teacher of “God’s Truth vs Man’s Truth” for 17 years. This is a timely topic ​as we approach the upcoming election.

Sign-up sheets will be in the church lobby or the Commons starting ​September 29.

Brown wooden mallet on American Declaration of Independence
Voting Buttons

Operation Christmas Child

We are collecting items to fill Operation ​Christmas Child shoeboxes. This is a great way ​to be involved if you don’t have time or means ​to fill an entire shoebox.

While you are doing your shopping, take a ​minute to visit the store’s clearance section to ​see what might be purchased for the youth to ​use while filling shoeboxes during their ​packing party on November 17th.

To see more gift box suggestions, click on the ​images on the right.

Shoeboxes will be available for individuals and ​families to pick up on October 27th and due ​back Sunday, November 17th.

For additional information or questions, please ​contact Sarah Lusk, slusk@hillsidecma.org.